Get out there!

Hello all & good day!

This week marks yet another new chapter of my life as its orientation week in Uni! Class selections are to be done tomorrow while my actual classes start next Monday aaand I can’t wait 😀 (I am a tad bit fidgety & hoping that I’ll be able to get good class timings as well as lecturers) There’s much to look forward to and I know I’ve got a goOod 3 years ahead of me.



To be honest, I’m not really an outgoing person by nature 😮 Though I’ve gotten an earful of advice on how I should get myself active in university and I know it so myself, it’s definitely going to be a challenge for me.



I’d say I’m more of an introvert… but I can be friendly! (A friendly introvert? 😮 ) I’m not one to completely shy away, and I reach out to people (especially when in the position of responsiblity) but at the same time, I get intimidated when there’s a whole bunch of extroverts dominating the scene… I really do :S



Nonetheless, I’ve set out to get actively involved in the programmes and events my university offers so that I can serve the students as well as gain experience and develop my character 🙂 A thought that came to me awhile ago: “If you don’t feel comfortable doing it, but you kinda know you should, then you should!”


This is because I realized that the things that we are hesitant to do – that are out of our comfort zones – are the very things that make us stretch and grow as individuals! It’s how we learn new things – about the world, about people, about ourselves! 🙂 So get out there, yes – take that step! Don’t talk yourself out of it once you’ve set your mind on it. Don’t be scared to give yourself a little push sometimes because in the end you’ll most likely look back and think “hey, I needed that” 🙂


Much love and thanks for reading! ❤

My BuJo Life Begins

So friends, I have finally joined the dark side…eheh…*insert cheer*

A few reasons why I decided to give bullet journalism a try:

  • To have a portable calendar! so I can readily refer to my plans at any time of the day 🙂  (My plans are jotted down on my table calendar at home currently)
  • To be able to keep track of my progress in regards to the goals I’ve set for myself
  • To have a proper storage place for my random thoughts & ideas throughout the day – I can scribble them down before I forget 😀
  • To be self-motivated by inserting inspirational quotes
  • To have fun decorating it!



I didn’t have the heart to spend on a Dori Journal so I used a Dori insert instead! haha. I’m starting simple; nothing fancy – yet 😉


Here’s to the start of my bullet journal journey! Please feel free to give me some kind advice if you’re into BuJo’s too ❤

Thanks for popping by!

Water Brushes

Water brushes are so fun to use! Well, mostly because I’m just lazy and with these guys, I don’t have to keep dipping my brush in water! haha. But it’s not just that, these brushes make colour blending really easy 🙂 And this is coming from a non-paint-expert.

How it works is really simple – you unlock the tip of the brush and fill the hollow compartment with water, lock it back then proceed to dip your brush into paint. When you decide you’re bored of that paint colour and wanna blend it with another – just go ahead dip your tip into it and paint on! If you don’t wanna ‘contaminate’ your paint bottles/ paint set, you can use a pallet for your paint like I do.

Also, if you’re lazy practical like me, you just need to give the middle of your water brush (the water compartment) a little squeeze, squeezing some water out to kinda ‘clean’ your brush tip when you wanna change colours completely. Note that when using this brush. playing with the water consistency also gives you a different look.

Above are two verses I painted with my water brush 🙂 I used 3 colours here – turquoise, purple and dark blue. There’s definitely room for improvement, but I suppose it’s pretty alright for a 2 a.m. painting session 😉 So for those who have been hesitating to try, hesitate no more! Grab yourself a water brush from your nearby stationary store and paint away!